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The Alarm History view provides information about the alarms that have occurred during a defined date range for the selected device groups or device(s). The alarms displayed can be active or resolved.
The title of the view identifies the selected devices or group. For example, Alarm History for All Devices, when the All Devices group in the Device Groups view was selected for the Alarm History view, or Alarm History for Selected Devices, when multiple devices in the Device View or Map View were selected for the Alarm History view.
You can access the Alarm History view in several ways:
Alarm History, an Alarms option in the Window menu: lists alarms for the selected devices, whether that is all devices in the group selected in the Device Groups view, or the device or devices selected in the Device View or Map View.
This Alarm History option performs this function only when the Alarm History view is not currently open. Once that view is open, this option has no affect on that view.
Show Alarm History, a right-click Device Groups view option: lists the alarms for all devices in the group selected in the Device Groups view.
Show Alarm History, a right-click Device View and Map View option: lists the alarms for the device or set of devices selected in the view.
Once the alarms for a device, set of devices, or device group are listed in the Alarm History view, they will remain listed in that view until you select a different device, set of devices, or device group and click the associated Show Alarm History option.
The Alarm History view includes a Search text field that allows you to list only those alarms that include text you type, a From Date and to date calendar control that allows you to define a new date range for the alarms, and a Search button you click to search for alarms associated with the new date range.
You can click the Configure columns icon to select the columns you want to see in the view. In DCE 8.2.0 and newer, a Comments column is available that displays the number of comments on each alarm.
The Alarm History view also includes information about the historical alarms for the selected devices. When you open this view, the date range is set for the last 24 hours by default.
A maximum of 500 alarm entries can be reported by a page, with additional pages provided for every additional 500 entries.