Thresholds and supported devices
Which thresholds can be used for sensors at the monitored devices depends on the type of device.For a full SNMP support device or Modbus device monitored by the Data Center Expert server, all threshold options except Dew Point can be used to define threshold settings the Data Center Expert server will monitor for that device. These thresholds are created using the Create Thresholds option.
Full SNMP support and Modbus devices
When you create thresholds for full SNMP support and Modbus devices, the threshold settings you define are set at the Data Center Expert server, and used to monitor the associated sensors at those devices.
This can result in two alarms when a threshold you define at the Data Center Expert server is violated: one from the SNMP device, and one for the threshold violation at the Data Center Expert server.
You can define thresholds for SNMP and Modbus devices to do the following:
- Set the threshold settings that the Data Center Expert server will monitor for these devices.
- Select the notification policies the Data Center Expert server will use for alarm notifications related to these devices.
NetBotz Appliances
When you create alert thresholds for a NetBotz Appliance, its sensor pods, camera pods, and monitored SNMP devices (using Alert Settings, a NetBotz Appliance Configuration option in the Device menu), the threshold settings are set at the NetBotz Appliance. It is the NetBotz appliance that stores the settings and sends the alerts to the Data Center Expert server.
Because NetBotz Appliance alert profiles are device-specific, you will not be able to configure the profile for a threshold setting when configuring that setting for multiple appliances.
Basic and model ID SNMP support devices
For devices without full SNMP support, you can define supplemental OIDs for numeric sensors at those devices using Supplemental OIDs, an SNMP Device Communication Settings option in the Device menu. Once the supplemental OIDs are defined, you can create thresholds on the sensors.