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State thresholds are thresholds defined for sensors that report state values. There are three specific types of state thresholds that can be set for state sensors.
State threshold options
Value: Open or Closed Unknown, No Fault, or Fault No Motion or Motion Detected Varied
Settings for sensors that determine whether a door is open or closed.
Dry Contact
Settings for sensors that determine the fault status of dry contacts.
Motion Sensor
Settings for sensors that detect motion.
Other State Sensors
Settings for sensors that measure state settings not reported for other Thresholds options.
State threshold types
State Threshold
An alarm occurs when the sensor state matches the Alarm State setting.
State Mismatch Threshold
An alarm occurs when the sensor state does not match the Normal State setting.
This threshold setting is useful for sensors that can report more than two states.
State for Time Threshold
An alarm occurs when the sensor state matches the Alarm State setting for longer than the delay in the Time Allowed in Alarm State setting.
State Mismatch for Time Threshold
An alarm occurs when the sensor state does not match the Normal State setting for longer than the time defined by the Time Allowed in Alarm State setting.
This threshold setting is useful for sensors that can report more than two states.