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NMC event logs are gathered by the Gateway daily at around midnight.
The Gateway gathers the event.txt log daily for most APC devices using the Gateway's FTP or SCP credentials.
To allow log files to be transferred:
The NMC must have FTP or SCP enabled. When both are enabled, communication defaults to SCP, which is the most secure.
The FTP or SCP credentials on the NMC must match the device transfer settings on the Gateway Settings > Device credentials page. Otherwise, a warning email message is sent every day for each device.
IMPORTANT: If you change the device file transfer settings on the device(s) OR the Gateway, you must run a discovery again in the Gateway to update the settings on the device(s). You do not have to delete the device to rediscover it.
To disable FTP or SCP log gathering, you must disable the protocol(s). This is not recommended. Setting device file transfer credentials in the Gateway is required to retrieve and configure device settings and to apply firmware updates.
Note: NMC event log gathering is supported on EcoStruxure IT Gateway only. Log gathering is not supported on Data Center Expert.
UPS Service Log
UPSs that generate a Service Log send it to the Gateway when there is a service event.
Note: System summary data is attached to the event log.
Gateway logs
Gateway log gathering is triggered by EcoStruxure IT. You can download the Gateway logs on the Settings > Advanced page if you are asked to do so by technical support.