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Change Request requires an IT Advisor: Change license.
Change request templates are managed by Administrators (users with permission "Planning Work Orders") to prepare a Request Form in the ITA web client using the Change Management > Change Request Templates option. The Request Form is then filled in by users to request changes in the data center.
Each template has a Name, Activation state, and Form field to specify information about the change. Templates are flexible; multiple templates can be defined in the system. For example, you can create a template for adding equipment, another for moving items, and another for creating users or custom properties.
Administrators can create, edit, delete, activate, or deactivate a template. Only active templates can be used to create change requests.
Form fields that can be used in the template (and then in the change requests):
Text input
Numeric input
Date input
Multi-line text field
Email input
Select input (combo box)
Radio button
Genome selector
Location selector
Blank space - separator
The Genome selector allows you to specify the equipment model from the Custom Catalogue. This is useful for creating a template for adding equipment. You can specify the kinds of equipment (PDU, UPS, Server) and/or mounting types to select in the field.
Three value fields are available for publishing properties from a work order task to an asset: Barcode, Serial number, and Name.
You can use the Location selector to select the existing Location, Floor Plan, or Room from the data set.
You can define basic validation on each field to prevent users from submitting a change request with incorrect or missing information. For example, each field can be made optional or required; text fields can have a minimum or maximum length. When you edit the template form, you can enter values into the fields to see how they work. These values are not persisted.
The Administrator can define the form layout for four different screen sizes to make the form adjustable to the user's screen size when they are creating or editing a change request.
Creation, deletion, and editing change request templates are logged by the Audit log and can be verified in the desktop client by running the report.
Change request templates and equipment creation
Some form fields can be now exported as Custom Property:
Text input
Numeric input
Email input
Location selector
Radio button
Select input (combo box)
Every change request template having at least one genome selector can be used for equipment creation.
During that process new device will be created based on genome selector included in template. Every form field exported as Custom property will be used to create new Custom Property and that Custom Property will be instantly assigned to the device.
Custom Property 'Requestor' will always be created and assigned to every equipment. It contains name of user that requested device.
Change request templates and equipment creation - validation
In order to use template for equipment creation it has to be validated.
Validation level
Warning (W) - Warning occurrence will allow action to complete ( saving change request template ). Yellow color in web client.
Error (E) - will not allow action to complete. Red color in web client
Label validator (E) - This validator checks if every form field defined in change request has unique label. We identify validation errors with labels therefore it is important to have every form field its own label.
Custom property validators - used to validate mapping between form fields and custom property definitions. Form field is matched with custom property definition if it has the same label.
Type custom property validator (E) - Validates if there is matched custom property definition. It checks if form field type and custom property type are matching.