What is the b2 and i2 Controller Object Format property used for?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Continuum Conversion
- i2 Controller objects
- b3 controller objects
i2 and b3 Controller objects include a a Format field for objects created using the Continuum Conversion tool.
What is this used for and how does the value effect the operation?
These Format values are propagated through the Continuum Conversion Tool for reference only and have no impact on operation in EBO. The values cannot be modified.
In EBO there are two ways to configure numeric display formats.
-In WorkStation property pane and watch window, the number of decimals displayed to the right of the decimal point is inherited from the WorkStation PC's regional settings. This setting applies to all values displayed in WorkStation except for values in graphics.
-In graphics, the number decimals displayed to the right of the decimal point is configured value-by-value in the Graphics Editor.
The format value is not stored in an EBO export and if objects are manually created, then standard formats are used for the type of object created