In Andover Continuum, the model name of a field device (i2/b3) is always obtained from the SQL database as there is no direct way to retrieve the model directly from the controller. Consequently, discrepancies between the model stored in the SQL database and the actual controller may lead to uprev errors like "This Uprev file does not match this type of controller"
In the screenshot above, note that both the device's editor as well as the command line, report the controller's model as i2800, when in fact the hardware associated with the device is an i2920.
Note: In EcoStruxure Building Operations, where a distributed database design is employed, the device's model type is always obtained from the proxy representing the device in the Automation Server.
Product Line
Andover Continuum
- All i2s
- All b3s
Frequent model mismatches for i2/b3 devices in Continuum installations often result in errors when attempting to upgrade the device's firmware.
To obtain the device's model (controller type) from the Continuum controller hosting the device follow the steps below:
- In the master controller, create an InfinityNumeric, in this example we will name it 'DevModel'
- In the master controller, create an InfinityProgram, in this example we will name it 'GetDeviceModel'
- Enter the following lines of code in the program...
DevModel = <device_name> CntrlType
***Replace <device_name> with your i2/b3 device's name
Note in the screen capture above, that the program reports the actual device's model to be i2920.
The mismatch needs to be corrected by either installing the correct hardware or adjusting the model in the device editor in Cyberstation to align with the hardware.
If the program reports the model as 0 (zero) it means the proxy representing the device in the master controller has lost the model number, you will need to reload the whole master controller to recover, make sure to select the option to reload the controller but NOT its children.