How to program the function buttons in Esmi Fire Panel
Product Line
ESMI Fire Detection
- FFSULH1001.
- FFSULH1002.
- FFSULH1003.
- FFSULH1005.
Customer wants the specific buttons for specific actions.
Up to 24 customer specific, on-screen function buttons may be configured to provide control, disablement and engineering functions.
The function buttons can be configured to be either available or hidden for each log-in profile.
The following procedure describes how to:
- Set function button attributes/properties.
- Allocate function buttons to user groups.
- Create password specific user accounts for inclusion within a nominated user group.
Setting attributes
Function buttons (inputs) may be set to operate by association to output devices with the same properties e.g. a security input will activate any device that has security ticked as part its output properties, or as part of a cause-and-effect rule where the function button is the “Cause”.
- With Loop Explorer open, select the Configure menu button and select System Manager to open the function button configuration page.
Select the 'Details' button to open the properties section of the function button that you wish to configure.
Note: Input Properties
The properties page allows the user to configure the input action and associated messages, to set individual colours and either to work as a latched (cleared on user interface reset) or toggled action (press function button to operate and again to turn off). Mapping to zones is optional, and the location text is the name given to the function button when completed.
Feature Groups
There are 4 default user groups that can be configured with specific permissions for different users.
When configured, the function buttons will be included as selectable options in each of the feature groups. It should be noted that if a function button is allocated to the Logged-out group, then it will be present alongside the User Options button when all other user groups have been logged out. Note that at this level then the user options are limited to system information and basic panel tests such as display colour and LED function.
Function buttons allocated to User level 2 and 3 may be accessed using the default login codes. If users are to be allocated unique numerical codes, then it would be advisable to change the panel default level 2 and/or 3 codes where required.