Poor communications between AS-P and Deep Sea Electronics (DSE) generator and switchgear modbus RTU slaves.
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Building Operation Automation Server Premium (AS-P)
- When upgrading from an AS to AS-P, poor Modbus communication is seen between the AS-P and DSE slave device. The communications when using the AS was seen to be good.
- Using an AS-P, poor communication is seen between the AS-P and the DSE slave device.
Firstly, on the AS-P, ensure the release is v3.2.3.8000 to improve the modbus RTU polling. Then if the issue still persists, make the adjustments to the DSE device as below. If the AS-P cannot be taken to v3.2.3.8000 then continue with the adjustments to the DSE device.
On the DSE Modbus slave, there are additional parameters as well as the baud rate, parity and stop bits. Access to these parameters is by using the DSE software tool.
The additional parameter is the Inter-Frame delay. Change the Inter-Frame delay from 0ms to 1ms.