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In a Branch Circuit Monitoring configuration, the system works as if you had configured power measurements at rack PDU level, only these measurements are really retrieved at PDU, RDP, or PP level.
You must have a valid ITA: Capacity license to configure Branch Circuit Monitoring.
Modular power distribution
If your data center configuration includes modular power distribution, configure the connection between the power breaker modules and the rack PDUs (Figure 1).
Right-click a modular PDU in the layout, and select Properties.
Click Power and select output voltage.
In Power > Breaker Panel configure the connection between the breaker modules and the rack PDU.
Repeat the above step until all connections have been configured between the breaker modules and the rack PDUs.
Associate the corresponding PDU device to the PDU in the floor layout by dragging it from Unassociated Devices to the PDU in the layout.
Figure 1 Modular Breaker Panel
Non-modular power distribution If your data center configuration includes non-modular power distribution, you must associate devices and then configure the connection between the expert sensors and the circuit numbers.
Choose Device Association in the Planning pane.
Associate a device to a PDU, RDP, or PP component in the floor layout by dragging it from Unassociated Devices to the component in the layout.
Sensor Mapping will now appear in the right-click menu of the associated component.
Add sensors by clicking 102240447_360036174554.png. Use Ctrl-click to add multiple sensors at a time. You can also use the search bar.
The sensors can now be found in the Sensor Mapping table. Click Breaker panel and Position and choose the power values from the drop down menu.
The Multiplier value converts the unit of measurement for the device type into Watts. The Total values must be in Watts. For example, if the measured values are in kW, type 1,000, or if the measured values are in A, type the factor to convert it to Watts.
Notice how the circuit numbers in the breaker panel (Figure 2) match the circuit numbers in Sensor Mapping (Figure 3).
When you have saved your configuration, and the system has retrieved the first measurements from Data Center Expert, Measured Peak Power values appear in Properties > Power Distribution (Figure 1). It may take a while before they appear, depending on your settings. In System Setup > External System Configuration, you can configure a shorter Power information retrieval interval to see the values quicker.
Figure 2 Non-modular Breaker Panel
Figure 3 Sensor Mapping
The measured values in Figure 3 are instant values from Data Center Expert whereas the measured values in Figure 1 are peak values gathered over time. Since these values are different in nature, the values differ.
Each time you edit the sensor mappings, the measured data for that device will be deleted (the next time the ITA server gets data from Data Center Expert), and peak and average data will only be collected from that point in time and onwards in contrast to the normal 30 days "catch up" behavior.