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The UPS Load assessment evaluates a period of power load on your UPS. There are three categories: High load, Medium load, and Low load.
How is the UPS load calculated and reflected?
The load is evaluated based on the load percentage reported by the device.
A High load is at or above 80%. This indicates possible danger if the load should spike very high.
A Medium load is between 25% and 80%. This indicates a normal expected load for a single phase UPS.
A Low load is under 25%. This indicates you're not currently using the equipment to its fullest potential. You can use this to optimize your data center.
Trend analysis
Load measurements for the device are collected over a minimum of 7 days. A projection is provided for the same period in the future based on the assumption that the load will continue with the same trend.
For example, 30 days after the first measurement is taken from the UPS, the trend displays how that load will look 30 days into the future. This is a total of 60 days from when the first measurement was taken.
Continuous measurements are needed for a trend to be reliable. If the device goes offline, or a day of measurement gathering gets skipped, a loss of reliability to create the prediction results. A new projection will not be provided until at least 30 continuous sequential days of load measurements are gathered.
What does this mean for you?
The load assessment gives you insight into aggregated load information for your UPS devices so you can react intelligently on the possible need to reorganize your equipment.
The trend analysis helps you plan ahead to mitigate possible power spikes on the device. In the case of a diminishing trend, you can plan for more optimal power balancing in your data center.
Make sure the latest version is installed on the Gateway monitoring your UPS.
The UPS load assessment is aimed solely at non-redundant setups. Redundancy is not taken into account when a high load warning is reported.