How to configure alarm thresholds and alarm notification policies, mute and acknowledge alarms, and test email notifications sent from EcoStruxure IT Expert
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You can acknowledge an alarm in either IT Expert or the EcoStruxure IT mobile app by assigning yourself, a colleague, or your partner responsibility for it.
Partners with Administrator access to customers' organizations can acknowledge alarms. See Partner access to device data
How to acknowledge alarms in IT Expert
To acknowledge alarms in dashboards, click an alarm on the Alarms tab or click a device on the Devices page.
The Alarms tab displays a list of all alarms for the location. The Dashboards > Overview tab displays only the latest alarms for the location.
These examples show the Dashboard.
Click the menu icon in any alarm.
Click Acknowledge.
Choose a user in your organization or a partner to be responsible for the alarm. Provide additional details in the Notes field as needed, and click Apply.
The assignee's name is displayed in the alarm list. A note icon is displayed when there is information in the Notes field. Unacknowledged alarms are listed as Unassigned.
Note: At this time, users and partners are not notified that an alarm was assigned to them. Notifications will be introduced in a subsequent release. In the meantime, it is recommended that users check IT Expert or the EcoStruxure IT mobile app regularly and use the alarm filter to easily see assigned alarms.
In both ITE and the mobile app:
Acknowledgements remain associated with alarms after they are cleared.
Acknowledgements remain associated with recurring alarms on a device. You can reassign or unassign the alarm to modify the acknowledgement.
When you unassign or change the assignee on an acknowledged alarm, the notes remain. There is no assignee history.
The CSV export of the alarm list includes the current assignee and an indication that a note is included in the acknowledgement.
Filtering the alarm list in ITE
You can filter the alarm list by severity and by unassigned alarms, only alarms that have been assigned, or only alarms that are assigned to you. These examples show the filters on the dashboard.