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This setting is only to be used if the Data Center Operation client shows "inconsistent/ghost" data in the equipment browser after a search.
How to end up in a situation where the client shows inconsistent/ghost data
In some cases we have seen the Data Center Operation client display "inconsistent" data in the equipment browser. The way this can occur is, if i.e. a 2 day old backup is restored, then the user will be able to see/search for data created for the past 2 days, even though the backup does not hold this data.
Errors can occur if the user tries to modify these "inconsistent" data.
How to re-generate search indexes
In order to get rid of the inconsistent data, the Lucene search indexes needs to be deleted and re-generated.
Steps to be performed for a server:
In the file /etc/isx-operations/config add the line: ISXO_LUCENEINDEX_DELETE_ON_STARTUP=1 (1 means - delete , 0 means - do not delete )
stop the server
start the server
During startup: verify that the /data/lucene/indexes directory disappears for a while during the server startup.
When server is started: verify that the /data/lucene/indexes directory is available and has subdirectories.
It will take 15 min before the search indexes are started to be re-generated, and a rough estimate for when it is finished is 1 min. for each room in the solution. (i.e. 50 rooms = 50 min + 15 min. startup time.)
Note: With the above setting the server will always re-generate the indexes every time its restarted.
How to keep the indexes
Steps to be performed for a server:
In the file /etc/isx-operations/config make sure you have the following setting: ISXO_LUCENEINDEX_DELETE_ON_STARTUP=0 (1 means - delete , 0 means - do not delete )
stop the server
start the server
During startup: continuously verify that the /data/lucene/indexes directory is available and has subdirectories - do that until the server is started.
When server is started: verify that the /data/lucene/indexes directory is available and has subdirectories.